Hi collier,
I run BMP3 COINES example code "read_sensor_data", it works well and couldn't reproduce your issue. 0x1B register remained 0x33 value. Suggest you also run this example code and see it again.
static void read_sensor_data(void) { int times_to_read = 0; uint8_t reg_value = 0;
while (times_to_read < 200) {
bmp3_get_sensor_data(BMP3_ALL, &bmp3_comp_data, &bmp3Dev);
printf("T: %.2f, P: %.2f \n", (bmp3_comp_data.temperature / 100.), (bmp3_comp_data.pressure / 100.)); fflush(stdout); bmp3_get_regs(0x1B, & reg_value, 1, &bmp3Dev); printf("0x1B reg value=0x%02x\r\n", reg_value); reg_value = 0; coines_delay_msec(10);
times_to_read = times_to_read + 1; } }
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