We have implemented the interrupt-streaming-pc example from here https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BMI08x-Sensor-API/blob/master/examples/interrupt_streaming_pc/interrupt_streaming_pc.c We are using the BMI088 and the version 3 dev board. We have both the accelerometer and the gyro configured with ODR's of 200 Hz. The timestamps being reported are counting slow, by a factor of ~ 2X. E.g. it takes ~ 10 seconds to record 5 seconds of data with respect to the reported time stamps. Example time stamps from a block of 6 valid samples: valid sample count: 6 time stamps: 3073012389 time stamps: 3073015034 time stamps: 3073017702 time stamps: 3073020324 time stamps: 3073022980 time stamps: 3073025644 Time delta between the final two samples is 0.00266, where it should be closer to 0.005 for a sample rate of 200 Hz. The timestamps are calculated as: 48bit_timstamp / 30. Is the factor of 30 correct for the BMI088? Something is clearly not being converted correctly as the delta between timestamps are out by a factor of ~2, but it takes approx twice as long to get a 5 second recording implying that the data is sampled at the correct rate, but the timestamps themselves are incorrect. Any idea what we could be doing wrong?
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