Hi Jim! I agree with you, at least, there should be included docker-compose.yml file. When I try to run bst-bme-aistudio-server without any configuration, env variables, I get $ ./bst-bme-aistudio-server Illegal instruction (core dumped) I tried to setup up everything (db, env variables) manually and I'm getting Illegal instruction (core dumped) error. I will write instructions so I hope someone will reporduce it and see is problem in my amd ryzen 5 cpu or virtual box. 0. Enter in superuser mode sudo su 1. Verify that you have docker installed docker --version Docker version 24.0.5, build 24.0.5-0ubuntu1~20.04.1 2. Download postgredb docker pull postgres 3. Set Environment variables # PGHOST= # PGPORT=5432 # PGDATABASE=my_existing_db # PGUSER=my_existing_pg_user # PGPASSWORD=my_secret_passowrd # PORT=8080 4. Verify with echo $variable commad that they exist, like in example below. # echo $PGHOST # echo $PGPORT 5432 # echo $PGDATABASE my_existing_db # echo $PGUSER my_existing_pg_user # echo $PGPASSWORD my_secret_passowrd # echo $PORT 8080 5. Run Postgre Container $ docker run -itd \ -e POSTGRES_HOST= \ -e POSTGRES_USER=my_existing_pg_user \ -e POSTGRES_PORT=5432 \ -e POSTGRES_DB=my_existing_db \ -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=my_secret_password \ -p 5432:5432 \ -v /data:/var/lib/postgresql/data \ --name postgresql \ postgres 6. Verify container is running $ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 1a6401934f34 postgres "docker-entrypoint.s…" About a minute ago Up About a minute>5432/tcp, :::5432->5432/tcp postgresql 7. Run bst Bme Studio Server $ ./bst-bme-aistudio-server Illegal instruction (core dumped) Could developers be some kind and provide us docker compose yml file and instructions to run it automatically as well.
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