Hi, I'm using the BMM150 magnetometer and I'm trying to read at 100Hz in Forced mode but it only seems to be reading at 18Hz. I've been able to set the output data rate in normal mode and achieved the behaviour you'd expect, however Forced mode is proving more difficult. I've set it in forced mode, I've selected minimal repetitions on all axes, and I'm sending read requests at 100Hz but it's still only resulting in 18Hz. So for clarity, to register 0x4C I am writing 00000010b to set: Advanced self-test off Output DataRate to default Operation mode to Forced Self test to off Also, to register 0x51 and 0x52 I've written 00000001b and 00000010b respectively to set: 3 repetitions on XY axes 3 repetitions on Z axis Any help would be greatly appreciated! Kind Regards, David
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