I follow the guide here to build my custom firmware "Bosch_APP30_SHUTTLE_BHI260_aux_BMM150_BMP390_Cus.fw" and I have been able to generate .fw and .fw.h necessary to retrieve data from BHI260ap (Acc+Gyr) and from BMM150 (Magn), and the pressure data from BMP390 adding VirtPressure and VirtWakeupPressure sensors: #Global Configuration
#Pin, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27
pull, off, on, off, off, on, off, on, on, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, off, on, on, on, on, off, on, off, on, off, off, off
gpio, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz, hiz
#Any Accel + Any Gyro + BMM150Mag_aux
#Physical Drivers
32,spi0,25,2, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 800.000000, 0 #BHI260Accel
33,spi0,25,-, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 800.000000, 0 #BHI260Gyro
24,spi0,25,-, 1, 0, 0, 0, -1, 0, 0, 0,-1, 0, 0, 0, 50.000000, 0 #BMM150Mag_aux
57,i2c1,118,-, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 25.000000, 0 #BMP390
#Virtual Drivers,maxRate
240, -1.000000 # VirtBSX: BSX depends on a programatic trigger source.
241, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccel: accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
209, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelOffset: accelerometer offset data depends on VirtBSX.
205, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelPassthrough: accelerometer passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
203, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelUncal: accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
235, -1.000000 # VirtBSXActivity: activity depends on VirtBSX.
163, -1.000000 # VirtBSXDeviceOrientation: device orient depends on VirtBSX.
252, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGameRotation: game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
253, -1.000000 # VirtBSXGeoRotation: mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
234, -1.000000 # VirtBSXGlanceGesture: glance gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
247, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGravity: gravity depends on VirtBSX.
243, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyro: gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
208, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroOffset: gyro offset data depends on VirtBSX.
207, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroPassthrough: gyro passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
244, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroUncal: gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
246, 400.000000 # VirtBSXLinearAccel: linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
242, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMag: mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
210, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagOffset: mag offset data depends on VirtBSX.
206, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagPassthrough: mag passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
245, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagUncal: mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
254, 400.000000 # VirtBSXOrientation: orient depends on VirtBSX.
233, -1.000000 # VirtBSXPickupGesture: pickup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
251, 400.000000 # VirtBSXRotation: RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
250, -1.000000 # VirtBSXSigMotion: sigmotion depends on VirtBSX.
249, -1.000000 # VirtBSXStepCounter: step count depends on VirtBSX.
248, -1.000000 # VirtBSXStepDetect: step detect depends on VirtBSX.
236, -1.000000 # VirtBSXTiltDetector: tilt detect depends on VirtBSX.
192, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccel: wakeup accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
204, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccelUncal: wakeup accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
164, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupDeviceOrientation: wakeup device orient depends on VirtBSX.
200, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGameRotation: wakeup game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
201, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGeoRotation: wakeup mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
232, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGesture: wakeup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
198, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGravity: wakeup gravity depends on VirtBSX.
194, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyro: wakeup gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
195, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyroUncal: wakeup gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
197, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupLinearAccel: wakeup linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
193, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMag: wakeup mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
196, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMagUncal: wakeup mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
160, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMotionDetect: wakeup motion detect depends on VirtBSX.
202, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupOrientation: wakeup orient depends on VirtBSX.
199, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupRotation: wakeup RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
161, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStationaryDetect: wakeup stationary detect depends on VirtBSX.
231, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStepCounter: wakeup step count depends on VirtBSX.
230, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStepDetect: wakeup step detect depends on VirtBSX.
162, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupWristTiltGesture: wakeup wrist tilt gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
224, -1.000000 # VirtHangDetection: hang detector depends on a 25Hz timer.
184, 25.000000 # VirtPressure: pressure depends on a physical pressure source.
218, 25.000000 # VirtWakeupPressure: wakeup pressure depends on a physical pressure source. but I can't build the conf file for access to the VirtTemperature and VirtWakeupTemperature sensors. Adding the following: 217, 16.000000 # VirtTemperature: temperature depends on a physical temp source.
183, 16.000000 # VirtWakeupTemperature: wakeup temperature depends on a physical temp source. I got the error [47] temperature sensor [DriverID 217] ERROR: Unable to locate parent for sensor id 217 (parent type 17, custom gyro corr). ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed. Error running cmake build Can you help me please to add this feature to my project?
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