After reviewing your screen cap, there are a couple of points that I would make. 1. Your RH % does change radically. The first read is 36.95 % RH, your second is 5.88 % RH which is really really low. It implies that you are located in a very dry place. This page ( shows average RH in places like Las Vegas and Pheonix (both in a desert). RH is around 20 % in late afternoon. Given this low reading and the drop from the first reading of 36.95 % RH (which is typical), I suspect that your readings after the first reading are inaccurate. Your temp and pressure values seem stable through all readings (matching my experiencce - see prev posts in this thread). 2. In your case, the RH dropped dramatically after the first reading. In my case it went up to 100 % RH. I suspect that if you also did a re-config before your 2nd, 3rd, etc readings - you would see them closer to 37 % RH. So - the real questsion remains. Why does acquiring stable RH require a re-config before each reach read? Regards, Mark J
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