Hello thank you for the reply. Unfortunately both is not possible. Here is the story. I bought a cheap smart fitness tracker and i'm hacking it for a lower cost development platform. I got all other sensors working except for this one which is accelerometer. I tried reading address 0x00 and the value is 0x11. BMA423 has ID of 0x13 so maybe BMA421 has that 0x11 ID and besides it has 0x18 address too. The problem now is bosch don't release datasheet for this product as shown on this link. https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/Knowledge-base/BMA4xy-accelerometer-series-design-guide/ta-p/5837 Before i give up I just want to ask this question. Is it possible to request the datasheet of that part BMA421 or even an API? In github it has this https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BMA423-Sensor-API but the includes like BMA421.h is not included. EDIT: Spoke too soon. Found it on a linux driver on github. I'll try this one later. Thank you! 🙂
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