Hi, I would like to use an Arduino Micro (Atmega32U4) to control a BME680. Since I want to measure IAQ and CO2 concentration, I need to use the BSEC library. As far as I understand the list of supported Arduino board on https://github.com/BoschSensortec/BSEC-Arduino-library the Atmega32U4 is not supported. Is this true? Another way (according to https://community.bosch-sensortec.com/t5/MEMS-sensors-forum/BME680-Using-BSEC-in-backend/td-p/7521) would be to send the raw data to a PC und use the BSEC DLL to compute IAQ values. This would solve my problem (at least partially). But what do I have to do, when I want to use an Android phone as backend? Thank you very much for your answer!
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