I've just started using a BME280, and I'm using it with my ESP32 (specifically the Adafruit Huzzah32). Looking for existing implementations, I found yanbe/bme280-esp-idf-i2c . This uses the original version of the driver, v2.0.5. Updating yanbe's implementation to build on the ESP-IDF v4.0, everything works as expected and I get reasonable values (I haven't calibrated anything yet). To me, this indicates the I2C communication implementation is correct and shouldn't need to change (how to actually read and write registers doesn't change, regardless of the driver version). Updating the code to use the latest version of the driver (v3.4.3), communication with the sensor seems to go well but the output is nonsense and constant: Temperature, Pressure, Humidity
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
20.52, 69352.51, 85.38
... An example real value might be 22 degrees, 982hPa, 39% relative humidity. I have tried adapting the code from yanbe's implementation (i.e. applying the same configuration with the new driver) and I also have tried the example code from the driver's readme, both yield exactly the same results - successful looking interaction with the sensor (initialization/configuration), but nonsense/unchanging sensor reads. This stands for both normal mode and forced mode To sum up: BME280 over I2C + driver v2.0.5 + ESP-IDF = success in normal and forced mode BME280 over I2C + driver v3.4.3 + ESP-IDF = failure in normal and forced mode Anyone have any experience/guesses/things that maybe I'm missing? I figured I'd ask before diving into anything too far.
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