Hi, i am trying to read quaternion's out of the BHI160b, that's why i purchased the BHI160b shuttle Board from Bosch. I want to connect it with my NUCLEO-F411RE from STM. So i implemented the library into my STM project. The next step was to figure out how to use the HAL_I2C functions to communicate with the sensor. I changed the read/write operations in the driver's file bhy_support.c like this: uint8_t GTXBuffer[256];
int8_t SensorAPI_I2Cx_Read(uint8_t slave_address7, uint8_t subaddress, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t ReadNumbr)
uint16_t DevAddress = slave_address7 << 1;
// send register address
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, &subaddress, 1, BUS_TIMEOUT);
HAL_I2C_Master_Receive(&I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, pBuffer, ReadNumbr, BUS_TIMEOUT);
return 0;
int8_t SensorAPI_I2Cx_Write(uint8_t slave_address7, uint8_t subaddress, uint8_t *pBuffer, uint16_t WriteNumbr)
uint16_t DevAddress = slave_address7 << 1;
GTXBuffer[0] = subaddress;
memcpy(>XBuffer[1], pBuffer, WriteNumbr);
// send register address
HAL_I2C_Master_Transmit(&I2C_HANDLE, DevAddress, GTXBuffer, WriteNumbr+1, BUS_TIMEOUT);
return 0;
} I connected the Shuttle Board to my NUCLEO board like this: ___J1___|___NUCLEO___
1/2 | 3.3V
3 | GND
17 | PB7 -> I2C1_SCL
18 | PB6 -> I2C1_SDA
21 | PB5 -> DI/BHI160_INT In my main loop i startet to initialize BHI160 Sensor with the function bhy_initialize_support();: int main(void)
/* MCU Configuration--------------------------------------------------------*/
while (1)
int8_t ret;
/* BHY Variable*/
uint8_t *fifoptr = NULL;
uint8_t bytes_left_in_fifo = 0;
uint16_t bytes_remaining = 0;
uint16_t bytes_read = 0;
bhy_data_generic_t fifo_packet;
bhy_data_type_t packet_type;
/* the remapping matrix for BHA or BHI here should be configured according to its placement on customer's PCB. */
/* for details, please check 'Application Notes Axes remapping of BHA250(B)/BHI160(B)' document. */
int8_t bhy_mapping_matrix_config[3*3] = {0,1,0,-1,0,0,0,0,1};
/* the remapping matrix for Magnetometer should be configured according to its placement on customer's PCB. */
/* for details, please check 'Application Notes Axes remapping of BHA250(B)/BHI160(B)' document. */
int8_t mag_mapping_matrix_config[3*3] = {0,1,0,1,0,0,0,0,-1};
/* the sic matrix should be calculated for customer platform by logging uncalibrated magnetometer data. */
/* the sic matrix here is only an example array (identity matrix). Customer should generate their own matrix. */
/* This affects magnetometer fusion performance. */
float sic_array[9] = {1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0};
/* To get the customized version number in firmware, it is necessary to read Parameter Page 2, index 125 */
/* to get this information. This feature is only supported for customized firmware. To get this customized */
/* firmware, you need to contact your local FAE of Bosch Sensortec. */
//struct cus_version_t bhy_cus_version;
while (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BHI160_INT_GPIO_Port, BHI160_INT_Pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET);
/* init the bhy chip */
//DEBUG("Fail to init bhy\n");
/* wait for the bhy trigger the interrupt pin go down and up again */
//while (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BHI160_INT_GPIO_Port, BHI160_INT_Pin) == GPIO_PIN_SET);
while (HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BHI160_INT_GPIO_Port, BHI160_INT_Pin) == GPIO_PIN_RESET);
/* To get the customized version number in firmware, it is necessary to read Parameter Page 2, index 125 */
/* to get this information. This feature is only supported for customized firmware. To get this customized */
/* firmware, you need to contact your local FAE of Bosch Sensortec. */
//bhy_read_parameter_page(BHY_PAGE_2, PAGE2_CUS_FIRMWARE_VERSION, (uint8_t*)&bhy_cus_version, sizeof(struct cus_version_t));
//DEBUG("cus version base:%d major:%d minor:%d\n", bhy_cus_version.base, bhy_cus_version.major, bhy_cus_version.minor);
/* the remapping matrix for BHI and Magmetometer should be configured here to make sure rotation vector is */
/* calculated in a correct coordinates system. */
bhy_mapping_matrix_set(PHYSICAL_SENSOR_INDEX_ACC, bhy_mapping_matrix_config);
bhy_mapping_matrix_set(PHYSICAL_SENSOR_INDEX_MAG, mag_mapping_matrix_config);
bhy_mapping_matrix_set(PHYSICAL_SENSOR_INDEX_GYRO, bhy_mapping_matrix_config);
/* This sic matrix setting affects magnetometer fusion performance. */
/* install the callback function for parse fifo data */
if(bhy_install_sensor_callback(VS_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR, VS_WAKEUP, sensors_callback_rotation_vector))
//DEBUG("Fail to install sensor callback\n");
/* enables the virtual sensor */
//DEBUG("Fail to enable sensor id=%d\n", VS_TYPE_ROTATION_VECTOR);
/* continuously read and parse the fifo */
while (1)
/* wait until the interrupt fires */
/* unless we already know there are bytes remaining in the fifo */
while (!HAL_GPIO_ReadPin(BHI160_INT_GPIO_Port, BHI160_INT_Pin) && !bytes_remaining)
bhy_read_fifo(fifo + bytes_left_in_fifo, FIFO_SIZE - bytes_left_in_fifo, &bytes_read, &bytes_remaining);
bytes_read += bytes_left_in_fifo;
fifoptr = fifo;
packet_type = BHY_DATA_TYPE_PADDING;
/* this function will call callbacks that are registered */
result = bhy_parse_next_fifo_packet(&fifoptr, &bytes_read, &fifo_packet, &packet_type);
/* prints all the debug packets */
if (packet_type == BHY_DATA_TYPE_DEBUG)
bhy_print_debug_packet(&fifo_packet.data_debug, bhy_printf);
/* the logic here is that if doing a partial parsing of the fifo, then we should not parse */
/* the last 18 bytes (max length of a packet) so that we don't try to parse an incomplete */
/* packet */
} while ((result == BHY_SUCCESS) && (bytes_read > (bytes_remaining ? MAX_PACKET_LENGTH : 0)));
bytes_left_in_fifo = 0;
if (bytes_remaining)
/* shifts the remaining bytes to the beginning of the buffer */
while (bytes_left_in_fifo < bytes_read)
fifo[bytes_left_in_fifo++] = *(fifoptr++);
} When my programm jumps into the function it checks the product_id of the sensor and returns * return BHY_SUCCESS;* which means that the I2C connection is working! Bosch also provides some example code for different sensor readings here. Because i want my rotation data in quaternion's i looked at the rotation_vector_example.c example. There are two functions static void sensors_callback_rotation_vector() and void demo_sensor(), but i cant get this code to work. I put the demo_sensor() in to my main loop and have the Sensor_callback_rotation_vector() in my main.c file. Maybe there is an other way to use this driver? In the documentation they say that the driver helps you in 3 phases to read out data: initialization, configuration and data readout. But i cant figure out how to actually do it!
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