Hi FAE_CA1, I tried your solution and ignored the nanoseconds and instead used three seconds for each measurement. This works. However, when I collect data over a prolonged period (~50 hours --> ~2 days) there is a problem with this conversion. As the timer for each measurement isn’t exactly 3 seconds but a little bit more (3.0X seconds) there is a slight offset which builds up over time. In the table below you can see that this offset results in a timing mismatch (delay) of almost 8 minutes after two days of continuous measurement. I want to correlate the data of these measurements with other sensor data for comparison. However, as the sensor data from the BME-680 is “too slow” the offset leads to a bias in visualization with increasing time if I plot all the data of different sensors in one graph. Is there a way to solve this without using the exact numbers (in nanoseconds) generated by the sensor? Total measurment time: 54,74 hours Nanoseconds (measurment date) Seconds (calcualted from data) Seconds calcualted with 3 sec for each measurment Difference in measured seconds and calculated seconds (using 3 sec for each measurment) 197083392063232.0000 197083.4 sec 196605.0 sec 478.39 seconds --> 7.97 minutes
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