Hello, I´m using BNO055 inside a box in vertical position (with axis remap (axis)0x09 (sign)0x00) and read Euler - Data pich, roll and heading (compass) in NDOF Mode. After calibrating BNO055 everything works properly. But, If I change the box from vertical position to horizontal position, I get wrong information, because BNO is set up just to vertical position and If I wanted to get the righ information I should have set up in horizontal position(axis remap (axis)0x18 (sign)0x04) My question is... is there any way to set up bno055( axis remap (axis)0x09 (sign)0x00) in vertical position, and (axis remap (axis)0x18 (sign)0x04) in horizontal position, and not have to calibrate BNO again when it detects that position has changed? Thanks.
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