I'm working on an Open Source Hardware project at the moment and trying to get the BME680 to produce readings while the device goes in and out of deepsleep. The full code is here: https://github.com/lloydrichards/mimirOpen But the long and short of it is, that I have a program that wakes up every 5 min, takes reading, and then goes back to sleep. I've tried so far to implement the code from the DeepSleep example by @Dmitry but even if I change the config to (generic_33v_300s_4d) I still have it waking up every three secs. I've tried saving the state using EEPROM and RTC, but both methods when increasing the sleep to 5 min result in 0 accuracy even after running for 24hrs. I've run the sensors with 3 sec intervals and it works out after 15min or so to get 1 accuracy. Any help or guidance would be very much appreciated!
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