Good morning, I am using a 6-axis BMI270 sensor marked "5N 0KC" which replies to me a different wrong chip ID (0x26 instead of 0x24) and does not allow me to enable the accelerometer and gyroscope. I am using another one marked "5W 037" which responds with a correct chip ID (0x24), it allows me to enable the sensors but I cannot modify the ODR of the accelerometer below 200Hz. I would like to know what "internal use" means in section 8.4 "MARKING", in the table "MASS PRODUCTIN - internal code" on page 146 of document BST-BMI270-DS000-06 (document version 1.4) I would also like to know what are the possible correct markings that only identify the BMI270 (not L or W or N or P or E) and what can I do if the supplier has fitted me with one marked "P". Thank you.
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