Hello, I'm trying to work with the BME680 in a really fast and punctual way. Use case : the user powers-on the device, may wait for 5 minutes (e.g. the time to go from an IAQ accuracy of 0 to 1), but then when can they expect to have relevant values (e.g. passing from an IAQ accuracy of 1 to 2, and then 3)? 1. The calibration is quicker when agitating a COV source (whiteboard marker, essential oils...) near the sensor, but it may last up to 20 minutes... Is there any protocol that could guarantee to the user a quick calibration in a fixed time, in order to obtain a measure quickly after power-up? 2. Moreover, after powering-off the device, in the same working environnement, would it be possible at the next power-up (use case : only few minutes after power-off) to by pass these 5 minutes of "boot" (e.g. the time to go from an IAQ accuracy of 0 to 1), and load the previous calibration data? Chloe
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