Suppose you have two BME280, and calibrated with same reference sensor.
So those two have same output just after calibration. Thus, all the offset including solder drift are compensated already. Part to part deviation has be compensated here also.
So the sensor read out difference is only includes noise and TCO. If the we also say the environment temperature is all the same for all case we considered.
Then only noise need to be added. if using highest accuracy mode, the noise will be 0.2 *2 = 0.4 Pa around (typical). the maxium noise need to be released via NDA. you can contact local FAE to get NDA then with the maxium noise figure ( 3 sigma based).
This is assume the pressure environment are same for those two sensors.
If consider one sensor environment changed for pressure, then you need to add relative accuracy also for difference of two sensor read out.
Here, the drift is ignored since 24 hours will not noticable drift on sensor side.
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