Here is my answer.
Number is pin based on shuttle board.
(a) 1 - VCC, 2- VCCIO ( okay connect to 1), 3 - GND, 18 - I2C clock, 17 - I2C data 4 - GND, 7 - VCC.
You can also check BMP280 datasheet in page 35.
(b) 1 - VCC, 2- VCCIO ( okay connect to 1), 3 - GND, 4- MISO, 5- MOSI, 6- CLK, 7- CSB pin from MCU ( Chip select )
(c) Shuttle board is our reference board, so all devices are compatible with shuttle board design.
That's why shuttle board has plenty of pins.And also we connect to shuttle board several pins from one chip set pin because of customer preference 🙂
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