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    BHI260AB Shuttle board firmware for commercial use

    BHI260AB Shuttle board firmware for commercial use

    Long-established Member

    Hi all,

    I'm using a BHI260AB in my project and I just need to use the Game Rotation Vector virtual sensor.

    For achieving that, I just need to download a BHI260 firmware and use the Host Command Protocol to configure the virtual sensor and start reading data. I don't need any other special feature of the BHI260.

    I've downloaded Bosch Development Desktop 2.0 software which comes with some firmware examples for the different types of Shuttle boards.

    My question is, can I use the Bosch_SHUTTLE_BHI260-flash.fw firmware that comes with the "Bosch Development Desktop 2.0" in my final product for commercial use? 


    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hello btruden_henway,

    This is officially released.
