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    BHI360+BMM350 Soft Iron Calibration

    BHI360+BMM350 Soft Iron Calibration



    I'm currently evaluating your IMU BHI360+BMM350 thanks to your Shuttle Board 3.0 BHI360 in euler orientation mode connected to an esp32.
    During my tests I noticed that the hard iron bias was corrected automatically, but not the soft iron bias, so I'd like to update the SIC matrix with the one I measured in my first setup:
    [[ 0.89044322 -0.00155992 0.00676591]
    [-0.00155992 0.88054465 0.0088273 ]
    [ 0.00676591 0.0088273 0.97750754]]

    I believe I understand that the BSX internal binary data format is not public.
    How can I update this SIC matrix to improve precision of my current test without the BSX internal binary data format ? Using this fonction from the API:
    int8_t bhy2_set_sic_matrix(const uint8_t *sic_matrix, uint16_t matrix_len, struct bhy2_dev *dev)

    And how can I do the same in the my next tests where this matrix will change because it will be integrated in a different setup ?

    Best regards

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi HeyRick,

    Although BHI360 does not publicly disclose the format of the SIC matrix to bhy2_set_sic_matrix() function, we can help you convert it if you need it.
    Should we help you convert the previous SIC matrix or updated SIC matrix from you?
