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    BHy1_driver_and_MCU_solution API, bhy_driver_init error

    BHy1_driver_and_MCU_solution API, bhy_driver_init error


    Hello, I am rying to use the BHy1_driver_and_MCU_solution. I have followed the porting instructions and after I call bhy_driver_init() I get my error message. I tried printing the error code and -18 printed out. The thing is I don't see a #define statement in bhy.h defining -18.

    s8 bhy_err =0;
    bhy_err = bhy_driver_init(bhy_firmware_image);
    if(bhy_err!= BHY_SUCCESS)
    printk("Fail to init bhy %d \n",bhy_err);
    printk("initialized,waiting for interupt...\n");


    printk("entering while loop \n");

    What is also weird, is that the interupt pin also fires and the statement "entering while loop prints in my terminal".

    I believe I have implemented the I2C functions correctly, returning 0 for succes and a negative value in case of failure.

    Does anyone have any insight?

    5 REPLIES 5

    It could be, or the protocol. This means that the CRC reported from the sensor does not match expected CRC for that firmware file. It could also be incorrect usage of the fw2header tool.