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    BMA400 missing hard reset

    BMA400 missing hard reset

    New Poster


    Currently I am designing in the BMA400 into our existing design. What struck me most is that there is no more a hardware reset on the BMA400.

    We are operating the board from a coin cell and experience shows that the VDD noise during battery insertion may cause the I2C/SPI interface to lock up on our existing design (with a different sensor).

    What is the recommendation for the BMA400 in case of interface lock-up?

    Is there another (power sensible) way of performing a hard reset on the BMA400?

    Thanks a lot!

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi JRA,

    After the Sonsor is powered on, the I2C/SPI interface is selected according to the status of the pin pin. The Sensor itself does not support hardware reset. You can add a power switch and turn on the sensor after the battery power is stable. Or add filtering to your power circuit.
