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    BMA456 initialization

    BMA456 initialization

    New Poster


    I am using BMA456 in my project. I trying to write a code for BMA456 using NRF9160 and Segger Embedded Studio (Zephyr RTOS). I can read the chip Id, but I try to continue with other steps based on the datasheet it's failed. In burst write mode, I am not able to write a config file. 

    I need some help on how we can write config files in burst write. 

    4 REPLIES 4

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi sivani_96,

    I upload a example code on STM32 platform, hope it is helpful for your reference.

    Please give config file.


    we are tried with bma456 I2C in Arduino, in the Arduino code also got an initialization error. the initialization always gets 0. The code was @

    How do we confirm the configuration file is correctly loaded?

    And in code  X,Y,Z data is always zero. while moving the board


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi sivani_96,

    Previous example code run with official sensor API and config file, you can download it frm github
