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    BME 680 Frequent Failure

    BME 680 Frequent Failure

    New Poster

    My lab runs BME 680 sensors/boards on arduinos using the adafruit_bme library. These sensors are deployed in a marsh environment and are asked to collect data every 10 seconds continuously. We've noticed that they malfunction on certain measurments, with typically the pressure, temperature, or humidity beginning to read well out of range (such as a sensor reading correct humidity and pressure, but reporting the temperature as -130). Is there any way to recalibrate these sensors, or troubleshoot the errant measurements? 


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    adafruit_bme library is not provided by bosch. 

    Could you run our library?

    By the way, if you want to detect IAQ, the interval is 3s or 300s. 10s is not right. 

    Pleaes let me know after you try our lib. 


    I don't think the issue has to do with the library, I was more wondering if there is a way to recalibrate faulty readings or manually clean a clogged sensor. What is the expected life span of these sensors? Has anyone else experienced faulty readings after some months of deployment?


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Lifespan is depends on your configuration and use case. However, we passed 1000h THB or HTOL lifetime tests which could cover 10 years. 

    In terms of faulty reading, you shouldn't get faulty data from our sensor. 

    You can check it thru logic analyzer. If that faulty value came from the sensor, you need to check it with distributors. 

    Thank you. 
