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    BME 688 Recovery Time

    BME 688 Recovery Time

    New Poster


    I have both bme688 development kit and Nicla Sense ME sensors. I've noticed something during measurements with these sensors. For example, after leaving the sensors in the air and then placing them in different environments , I observed that the recovery process generally takes a long time. However, when I place the sensors near cumin, the value drops to around 15k, and it almost takes 4 hours to return to the base value. Is there a way to speed up this recovery process, or is this a matter related to sensor configuration or it is just the working principle of the bme688 ? 

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Bugra66,

    Do you mean that you expect the resistance value of BME688 to return to the resistance value before placing the cumin? If yes, it will be impossible. Even in the same environment, there may be differences in the resistance value output by the sensor.

    We suggest that you observe the trend of sensor output in the application, rather than absolute values.

    What do you mean by observation trend in output of resistance ? Could you please explain it in more detail.
