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    BME AI-Studio Server training completed, how to identify new gases?

    BME AI-Studio Server training completed, how to identify new gases?

    New Poster


    Hello Community,

    I am using an BME AI-Studio Server board in combination with a BME688 dev-kit board.
    I have collected some gas samples over time and imported them into AI-Studio, trained a neural network and exported the resulting algorithm as a BSEC configuration file, like here:

    How do I use the BME AI-Studio Server api to call a trained algorithm to identify new gases?


    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi fusheng,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    Currently, the usage documentation for BME AI-Studio Server is not publicly available and is only aimed at professional developers of design projects.

    If you need any further information on this topic, please get in contact with one of our official distributors or sales representatives to allow us to review each project on a case-by-case basis.
