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    BME280 sensibility to UV light

    BME280 sensibility to UV light

    New Poster

    I found that if i use a UV LED flashlight against a BME280 temperature increase dramatically and humidity decrease the same way, instead pressure seems not affected.

    BME 280 temperature & humidityBME 280 temperature & humidityBME280 temperature, pressure & humidityBME280 temperature, pressure & humidity

    The spectrum of LED UV flashlight is this one, taken with an Ocean Optics USB2000+ UV spectrophotometer

    LED UV flashlight spectrumLED UV flashlight spectrum

    Is the sensor so sensible to UV light?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Is the UV light go directly into the hole of BME280? 

    If you cover the hole with black cover,  is there still change of temperature and humidity?

    Yes the UV light goes directly inside but I discovered that the UV flashlight  warm all surfaces, also my skin. I don't know if it is an effect of UV or the flashlight has also an IR emission. White LED flash doesn't have this effect but I don't feel warm if I use it on my skin.

    Anyway the graph shows that it is not a photoelectric effect since  the warming and the cooling are not immediate.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    We should avoid any direct light into sensor hole. 

    It will cause internal MEMS behavior goes to wrong like increased temperature slowly. 

    So please cover sensor and test again.
