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    BME680 BSEC library issue

    BME680 BSEC library issue

    New Poster

    Hello, BOSCH

    I downloaded BSEC before and am testing it.

    I am sending you an email because I have an inquiry during the test regarding the library.

    If you compare the files you used among the links you sent me last time

    It is estimated that the actual version used is "BSEC_1.4.8.0_Generic_Release_updated_v3".

    (The internal sauce is being modified a little, so it's not completely the same.)

    1. List of gcc-enabled files in an existing compiler (STM32CubeIDE)




    2. List of files currently using armcc in the compiler (Keil MDK-ARM)




    At the time of the last test, I accidentally tested the BME680 without connecting it, so I thought there was no problem,
    I connected the BME680 and tested it again, and it no longer progressed in the bsec_init(); below.




    The above part has a function in the libalgobsec.lib library that you provide, so accurate debugging is impossible.
    I don't think the library version is a problem, but it hasn't progressed since bsec_init(); so please check this part.
    6 REPLIES 6

    The sauce used for gcc is as follows



    However, in the above list, libalgobsec.a is not available in armcc mgchoi_2-1692687823246.png

    Instead of the file, you use the in the path (BSEC_1.4.8.0_Generic_Release_updated_v3)(algo)(normal)(bin)(armcc)(Cortex_M0+)mgchoi_3-1692687823246.png

    It's not progressing.

    mgchoi_4-1692687823246.pngIs the problem caused by using the file from the gcc source?


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi mgchoi,

    Because I used STM32F4 and Keil MDK-ARM compiler, so I used BSEC library "BSEC_1.4.8.0_Generic_Release\algo\normal_version\bin\armcc\Cortex_M4F\libalgobsec.lib".
    Which MCU you used? You can select BSEC library according your host MCU architecture and compiler you used.
