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    BME688 java api ?

    BME688 java api ?

    Occasional Visitor

    Hi All,

    I'm using a bme688 bosh sensor (Adafruit) with a Raspberrypi5.

    I want to read sensor values from a java program.

    Someone knows a java library for this sensor ?

    Thank you for your help.


    4 REPLIES 4

    Established Member

    BME688  BSEC 2 is a binary release (no source) and the PI is supported so you would need to use JNI to integrate.

    There is a Python wrapper for BSEC 2 and you could push results to Java (via a queuing system like mosquito, or file system, etc) or broadcast via BLE and read on a seperate PI.

    It all depends what you want to do and how much effort  it will take.


    Occasional Visitor

    Hi @kmca .

    Thank you for your reply.

    I just want obtain the BME688 temperature from a java program executed on RPI5.



    Established Member

    OK. Well you do not need BSEC to do that.

    What you do need is an I2C library - PI4J  perhaps to communicate with the BME688.
    And read the data sheet and integration guide for formula.

    The Adafruit BME680 Python code is pure python and works on the 688, so should give a template for a java implementation. 



    Update; it looks like this has already been done here:

    mattjlewis - diozero 


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Flou1282,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    The official BME688 API is based on the C language(, and you can refer to it, migrate it to your platform.
