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    BME688 power consumption

    BME688 power consumption


    I am running the BME688 in FORCED mode, ULP mode and these are my power consumption measurements: 


    As you can see is the average power consumption far too high then it should be. When I disconnect the BME688 my Thunderboard EFR32BG22 uses 2.67 microAmpere. Could someone help me with this. 


    2 REPLIES 2


    No one that can help me? 


    Established Member

    I did some work on the 688 in ULP mode connected to a Raspberry PI4 which draws between 2.6w and 3.1w bouncing up and down every 4 to 5 sec (includes an ssh login). Placing an ammeter (on the 25 mA scale) in the power line between the PI and the BME688 (I2C) then running a parallel mode python script (300sec), the meter flicks up to 13mA every 5 min and sits at zero mA the rest of the time.

    Hope this helps


    The BoschSensortec spec suggests an average of <0.1 mA but as your test shows ULP is very spikey.
