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    BMI088 absolute pitch/roll orientation?

    BMI088 absolute pitch/roll orientation?

    Occasional Visitor

    I have been looking at the BMI088 for use in a robot, but it is unclear looking at the documentation whether I can expect the sensor to give me orientation relative to gravity, or relative to some other (perhaps boot) coordinate system.

    For my application, I need pitch/roll data to be relative to gravity, and within +- 1 degree for both static and dynamic queries. Will the BMI088 be suitable for this?

    It should be noted that we currently use the BNO080, but found it to be too low precision for our application (+- 3deg accross the fleet). Also, the magnetometer is not needed.

    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi zoxks,

    BMI088 does not integrate fusion algorithms to output pitch and roll data.
    If you want to use pitch/roll, you can use BHI360 which is a programmable IMU-based sensor system combining a gyroscope with an accelerometer, integrated 6doF/9doF sensor fusion library.

    Sensor Fusion Performance
    • Static accuracy (Heading, Pitch, Roll)
    • Dynamic accuracy (Heading, Pitch, Roll)
    • Calibration time
    • Orientation stabilization time

    2, 2, 2 degrees
    7, 2, 2 degrees
    <1 second
    0.2 seconds


    BHI360 product page:
