05-04-2021 11:42 AM
Hi, I have successfully interface BMI270 using I2C protocol. Also I am able to load configuration file.
I am referring examples code from above link. I have received various activities like running, walking etc. from this example "\examples\bmi270\step_activity".
I want these two activities "ON_BICYCLE", "IN_VEHICLE". This activity recognition is provided in "bmi270_context" folder.
But I am getting this warning "Warning [1] : FIFO empty". I am referring this example file "activity_recognition".
Move the board for activity recognition for 30 sec :
Fifo length = 0
Requested FIFO data frames : 5
Warning [1] : FIFO empty
Parsed FIFO data frames : 0
I received this output on serial terminal.
Code is entering in to while loop but not entering in below for loop because value of act_frames received is 0.
if (rslt == BMI2_OK)
/* Update FIFO structure */
fifoframe.data = fifo_data;
fifoframe.length = 516;
rslt = bmi2_get_fifo_length(&fifo_length, &bmi2_dev);
printf("Fifo length = %d \n", fifo_length);
/* Read FIFO data */
rslt = bmi2_read_fifo_data(&fifoframe, &bmi2_dev);
while (rslt != BMI2_W_FIFO_EMPTY)
/* Provide the number of frames to be read */
act_frames = 5;
printf("Requested FIFO data frames : %d\n", act_frames);
/* Get the activity output */
rslt = bmi270_context_get_act_recog_output(act_recog_data, &act_frames, &fifoframe, &bmi2_dev);
printf("Parsed FIFO data frames : %d\r\n", act_frames);
for (count = 0; count < act_frames; count++)
"Activity Recognition output[%d]:Sensor time: %d\t Previous activity: %s\t current: %s\n",
Please help me to achieve these functionalities.
Thanks in advanced.
05-06-2021 08:46 AM
Hello sos,
What is you detailed configuration?
2.Enable ACC ,GYRO, or ACC & GYRO?
3. Power mode?
4. FIFO configuration?