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    BMI270 for vehicle driving and parking detection

    BMI270 for vehicle driving and parking detection

    New Poster

    Hi all,

    I am looking for a MEMS sensor with built-in application logic that can detect when a vehicle is moving or stopping. I would like my MCU to be in a low-power deep sleep state and be waked up on an interrupt from the BMI270.  I would like this to be independant on mounting angles. Is the BMI270 applicable for this?  I noted that you need to assign the "anymotion" detection to one particular axis.

    Best regards


    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi nisselua,

    Thanks for your inquiry.
    The BMI 70 is a consumer grade sensor.
    The software algorithm built into the BMI270 does not directly support detecting when a vehicle is moving or stopping, but it provides sensor data output.
    If you want to use any motion of BMI270, you can see that this feature can be associated with any x, y, z axis or both, and any motion is not assigned to a specific axis.

    BMI270 any motion.png

    Thank you for your replay. Just to confirm: I can set the threshold, and this is then evaluated for 1, 2, or 3 axis. But depending on the mounting angle relative to the vehicle forward direction and gravity, it would probably be more optimal to have 3 differrent thesholds, but this is not possible with the BMI270?

    Regarding the the term "slope", is this just the difference between the reference and the actual measured value? It is not related to the gradient of this difference? 

    Can you recommend other Bosch sensors that is more suited for this kind of vehicle stop/go detection, without the involvement of a algorithm in our microcontroller?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi nisselua,

    You can enable all axes, and any change in the acceleration signal of any axis will trigger any motion instead of installing brackets in different directions.
    Slope refers to the difference between two acceleration signals, such as from no motion to motion.
    For functional detection in specific applications, it is necessary to develop special algorithms based on sensor data for implementation.
