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    BMM350 SB config changes failing in bmm350_init

    BMM350 SB config changes failing in bmm350_init

    Established Member

    I did a clean install of COINES and the BMM350-SensorAPI git repo and it compiles links and downloads to the App 3.0 board just fine.  I can see debug output on a COM port on the PC.

    However, I see no indication that the App3.0 board is talking to the 350 SB.  In bmm350_init (in bmm350.c) a call to bmm350_set_regs call returns OK, but this call fails right after that:

                rslt = bmm350_get_regs(BMM350_REG_CHIP_ID, &chip_id, 1, dev);
    with a  error code -2, (BMM350_E_COM_FAIL), the bmm350_init routine returns BMM350_E_DEV_NOT_FOUND (-3).
    I feel like possibly the firmware on the App3.0 board is suspect?
    4 REPLIES 4

    Established Member

    Another question:  Is there anyway to know if a shuttle board mounted on the App 3.0 board is fried?  

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi fcovely,

    Did you use BMM350 shuttle board 3.0?

    Established Member

    Yes, in fact I have 2 App 3.0 boards and 2 BMM350 shutte boards neither BMM350 SB 3.0 board works on either 3.0 app board.  Here is the mouser part:
    Shuttle Board 3.0 BMM350
    Bosch Magnetic Sensor Development Tools
    US HTS:9030890100 ECCN:EAR99 COO:CN

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi fcovely,

    Can your APP3.0 board work well with other shuttle boards?
    Can the bmm350_interface_init() function before the bmm350_init() function execute successfully?
