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    BMP581 Asbolute minimum pressure

    BMP581 Asbolute minimum pressure

    New Poster

    Dear Bosch Technical Teams,

    I am reaching out with one question regarding the BMP581 , as I am considering using it for an outdoor application.

    Could you please tell if (and ideally how) the BMP581 will work at 0.150 bars ? Will it be damaged or only the uncertities will be affected? I understand that is not the usual working range. The real question is whether it can operate without being damaged at this pressure. As for the uncertainty, at 0.150 bars we can characterize it. Same question at 1.5 bars. 

    I appreciate your time and your assistance, and I look forward to your response.

    Best Regards,


    1 REPLY 1

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thanks for your inquiry.

    BMP581 operating pressure range is 0.3bar to 1.25bar. It will work at 0.15bar and 1.5bar without getting damaged. However, the performance will not be guaranteed. You will need to characterize and calibrate BMP581 outside of the range. Someone outside of Bosch has successfully used BMP581 in high altitude balloon project.

    The same applies to BMP585 waterproof pressure sensor. The maximum rating for BMP581 and BMP585 is 20bar. If the pressure goes higher than 20bar, then BMP581 and BMP585 may get damaged.

