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    BMP585 vibration susceptibility

    BMP585 vibration susceptibility

    New Poster


    I am planning on using the BMP585 in an environment that may be subjected to various levels of vibration in the 50-250 Hz range. Does vibration of the gel in the sensor affect the pressure measurements? In other words, would the presence of the gel cause the BMP585 read differently than another product, like the BMP581?

    Thank you.

    2 REPLIES 2

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi AWa,

    Could we know what is your end product? Does the vibration come from local vibrations on the structure or external vibrations? Can you provide a detailed description of your application?


    Vibrations are structural, but also from propellers of a multi-copter UAV. The sensor is for altitude measurement of the drone.
