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    BNO055 Communication problem

    BNO055 Communication problem

    New Poster

    Hello. In the STM32CubeIDE program, I created a simple code using I2C to check if I can establish a healthy communication with the BNO055 sensor (something like I2C_IsDeviceReady). I didn't encounter any issues, and the communication was successful. Later, I read the chip ID again and obtained the value 0x0A. After that, I put the sensor into NDOF mode to let it configure itself, and I read the values from the configuration registers, which seemed to be correct. However, I couldn't get any response from the acc_id, mag_id, and gyr_id registers. Additionally, when I attempted to simply read data, I couldn't succeed. What could be the reason for this? I have a backup sensor; should I try it again? I couldn't use Bosch's driver because it takes some time to understand. What should I do? Thank you.

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    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi DoganSamil,

    Could you refer to example code in another link and run it again?
