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    BNO055 ODR

    BNO055 ODR

    New Poster


    in datasheet of BNO055 (BST-BNO055-DS000.pdf) output datarates for accelerometer and gyroscope are only specified for sensor fuison modes in section 3.63, table 3-14. For raw sensor modes the ODR specification is missing.

    I assume, that the ODR depends on the configured bandwidth according to Nyquist Shanon theoreme. Is there an overview available which shows related bandwidths and datarates as this exists for other sensors (for example BMI088)?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Long-established Member

    Dear jgolder,

    Did you checked the configuration tables for Accellerometer, Gyroscope and Magnetometers available in the datasheet (pages 27, 28 and 29), you will find the information about bandwith for each mode.
    Best regards

    Dear elrhoul,

    yes I have seen these tables about the bandwidth. But as far as I understand, this is the cut-off frequency (-3dB) of the internal low pass filter.The datarate musst be different and should be at least two times the bandwidth to prevent aliasing effects. But I could not find anything about the datarate except that it is 100 Hz in fused mode.

    Best regards


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    The closest standalone sensor you could compare the BNO055 to would be the BMA280, BMG160 and BMM150. The performance values will differ, but you may refer to their respective datasheet for an overview of their functional description.

    In particuar, you will find in BMA280's datasheet that the sampling rate of filtered acceleration data is always twice the selected bandwidth (i.e. BW = ODR/2), and in BMG160's datasheet you will find a table with the ODR corresponding to each available filter bandwidth.

    Available configurations of raw sensor modes of the BNO055 are listed in chapter 3.5 of its datasheet.
