12-08-2020 06:04 PM
Hi Everyone,
1. As we are a product based company, We purchased BNO055 Sensor Dev kit for our development, and we are evaluating it for our requirement.
We found an observation that, when the sensor is an horizontal rotation(say 90 degree in heading ) and if usb dev kit is unplugged and plugged, and opening Bosch Development Desktop UI again means, we are getting 0 degree in heading information when we are in relative and absolute modes (IMU plus and NDOF )
2. As per datasheet, it should have some difference in it's heading information, but we didnt see any difference in both the modes. and seeing only 0 degree after power on, even if it is already in 90 degree position.
So please provide your support to overcome this issue.
Thanks in Advance,
Uma Maheswari.G
12-09-2020 03:27 AM
Hi Sir:
What is the calibration status of BNO055 especially in NDOF mode?
Before get the reliable heading value, you should confirm the sensor accurcay, include acc/gyro/mag/system accuracy.
12-09-2020 08:03 AM
Yes sir, the behavior is same as i mentioned in both the modes (ndof and IMU plus), even after doing calibration once powered on.
But, as per my understanding there could be some variations in the heading reading if not calibrated properly. But it is not related to calibration when showing 0 in heading orientation after power on, and was showing 90 according to the sensor position before power off.
Correct me if i am wrong.
12-09-2020 09:58 AM
Hi Sir:
IMU plus mode only use ACC and GYRO, output the relative orientation, so after power down with any angle values and power on again, 0 degree in heading information will be got regardless to calibrate or not.
I checked the heading values in NDOF mode by my demo board, after power down at any angle values and power on again 0 degree in heading information will be got if BNO055 is not calibrated. But after calibrate, the heading values will be similar to or the same as the values that are before power off if place the same as previous positon.
So recommand you to check the heading information after calibrate. And you also can check your raw data to compare with previous data and look into the difference.
01-13-2021 07:44 AM
Thanks for the reply and sorry for my late reply.
We have checked in our end, in horizontal rotation after powerdown the reading are close to zero, irrespective of the modes selected (it is either NDOF or IMU plus mode)
Your inputs further on this issue will be helpful.