03-01-2021 05:20 PM
i have lot of sensor out there and have been USINg the BSEC libary for some time. I have reciently come across this error when adding a new device to a system that had one before. I am though setting the new device to all 0's. See code below.
Can someone explain more about the BSEC_E_CONFIG_VERSIONMISMATCH is see what it says in the .h file but why or what does this mean in more details.
if (!eprom.ReadBMEblob(bsecState, BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE, 1)) {
for (int i = 0; i < BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE; i++) {
bsecState[i] = 0;
eprom.WriteBMEblob(bsecState, BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE, 1);
sensor1ok = checkIaqSensorStatus(1); //// Error here BSEC error code : -34
if (!sensor1ok) {
Serial.println("0 out 1 sensor");
for (int i = 0; i < BSEC_MAX_STATE_BLOB_SIZE; i++) {
bsecState[i] = 0;
iaqSensor1.setState(bsecState);//// Error here BSEC error code : -34
03-02-2021 07:53 PM
Hello kayleejacob,
It means that your library version and your library setting doesn't match.
When did you update BSEC library?
Could you send me library version what you can read from iaqSensor and let me know which library are you using it?
It shall be okay when you update latest version library and change bsec_config_iaq as latest version name as well.