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    Bsec lib + BME680 oversampeling and IIR filter settings

    Bsec lib + BME680 oversampeling and IIR filter settings

    New Poster


    I am using a bme680 in combination with the bsec library. Now i want to change the settings of the oversampeling and the IIR filter on the fly but the bsec lib seems to not have a function wich does this. Is this because it is not recommanded to do this when using the bsec lib? Or did I overlook something?

    I understand that it is possible to overwrite these settings when using just the bme680 library but could not find these implemented in a seprate bsec library function.




    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Although the BME680 offers these built-in IIR filters when processing raw sensor signals, the BSEC library was optimized for the BME680 running with this feature disabled. Since such filters would affect the sensor's response, we recommend not to enable the IIR filter while using BSEC.

    Does this also apply for the oversampeling or just the enabling of the IIR filter? 

    Typically when running BSEC you should make use of the function bsec_sensor_control(). This function returns the sensor's settings to be applied for the next measurement, which already includes oversampling configurations.
