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    COINES (User Manual) Command prompt Issue

    COINES (User Manual) Command prompt Issue

    New Poster

    Hi, everyone here.
    I'm going to test BMA456 using COINES.

    User manual and order being installed.
    COINES received 2.6.0 ver and TDM-64 shown in the picture below. (Window 64bit)


    And download the GNU ARM Toolchain installation It's in progress.


    But like the picture above,
    Board and Shuttle are connected my PC.
    And if I type mingw32-make in Command Prompt, it comes out like the picture below.


    The mingw32-make file is located in the picture below


    As mentioned above, if i want to connect BMA455 and test it, please tell me where to put the mingw32-make file.
    Also, please guide me if there is any other way to test other than COINES.

    5 REPLIES 5

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi mgchoi,

    On my PC, default MinGW GCC installation path is "C:\TDM-GCC-64".

    After you installed MinGW GCC and wanted to compile code, you should change your compile path to code patch which include Makefile.
    Please refer my compile result:

    mingw32-make result.png

    Thank you for your reply. BST Robin
    Like Robin, my PC has the default MinGW GCC installation path "C:\TDM-GCC-64".
    And I entered the place where the makefile is included as shown in the picture below, but "the specified path cannot be found". That's what it says.


    After connecting the 2.0 Ver Shuttle to the App Board, activate the command prompt
    "It is not an internal or external command, an executable program, or a batch file."
    That's what they say.



    Can you check what's wrong?

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi mgchoi,

    You can make sure you operate in an English environment. And try it again.

    Thanks BSTRobin!!
