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    Calculate co2 and h2s with Bme688

    Calculate co2 and h2s with Bme688

    Long-established Member
    Hello we want to know how we can get the co2 and h2s value in ppm by Bme688 sensor,this is very important for us that true answers for our questions.

    1- can we use default bsec algorithms or we need bosch shuttle Bme688 development kit?

    2- if we need shuttle how can we use import algorithm in bsec library?( After make algorithm step by ai studio )

    3- can 1 sensor enough to detect co2 and h2s after training by shuttle Such as your tests with coffee (normal air coffee1 normal air coffee2) , or we need 2 sensors one of them for co2 and other for h2s to calculate with high reference?

    4- is there any sample codes for detect and print co2 and h2s with esp32 ardunio ide c++?
    And any other information that you can give us to help our project to do.

    Best Regards
    12 REPLIES 12

    Hi, I think I am missing something.

    From what I have seen, the esp32 is a microcontroller.

    My Nicle Sense Me uses a different microcontroller - 64 MHz Arm® Cortex M4 (nRF52832)

    Is that related to your answer?

    Long-established Member
    So you can read Bme688 datasheet to support your microcontroller then you need to read your microcontroller datasheet to find sdi or sda and scl or sck pins for wiring.

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    You can refer to all examples supported by the Nicle Sense Me board.
