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    Dev kit and mobile app issue

    Dev kit and mobile app issue

    Established Member

    I'm trying to create a topic that can include all the issues related to the two parts in the title.

    @atsaleel reported that the mobile app that is used on the video tutorial is not the same that is given to us by downlaoding the official version on the site (v1.1.3) topic 

    @UEF reported an incorrect behaviour of the app saying that the app starts running giving lines on the gas resistance graphs but then stops and doesn't give any result. topic

    I want to add to these two issues the fact that on the info of the app it is displayed that the firmware version of the board is the 1.5.0, but on the bme ai studio v2.0.0 the versions of the firmware that supports the configuration files are 1.2, 1.5.2, 1.5.5 and 2.0.5. I used the flash.bat file to flash the "latest" firmware but the result doesn't change and i don't know if this is a problem of the app or it is actually the real version of the firmware.

    In addition to that when passing the .aiconfig file and the other config file (that doesn't have the .config in the name), even if i change version i cannot live test the algorithm because the app doesn't allow to switch to the testing window, as shown in the attached image. Also the development board starts blinking red real fast, while when it is sampling the blinking is slower.  

    8 REPLIES 8

    Is there any way I can test the Algorithms I developed with the BME AI studio app, with version 1.1.3 mobile app? In my demo app also, the live test feature is disabled and just can see how the sensor values are changing? @Prop4et in the Bosch video, he explains that he installed the AI studio app from the app store, but I can't find any such app in the app store. 

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    If you use latest BME688 software, BME688 dev kit software is v2.0.6 and mobile app is v1.1.3, you should generate .bmeconfig with BME AI-Studio v2.0.0 and copy it to SD card.
    Release note in BME688 dev kit package mentioned the version requirement for BSEC2 and BME AI-Studio.

    Established Member

    So, if I'm not mistaken, after having created the configuration through BME AI Studio and having recorded the data for the algorithm i can create the algorithm and export it as BSEC2.4.0 to run it on the board right? I am able to sample and create and export the algorithm just fine.

    In the video released on youtube two files are used, .aiconfig and .config. The first one is created while the second one exists but doesn't have the extension explicited in the name.
    Should i add it? Should i leave it as it is?
    Should i delete the .bmeconfig file before loading the two configuration files for the live testing?

    The application still has the live testing section that is not selectable

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi Prop4et,

    BME AI Studio in the vidio haven't been released, release time will be mid of Apri.
    Currently you could use BME AI-Studio Desktop version which could generate .config file. Copy this .config to SD card, you don't need to delete .bmeconfig file.
