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    How to put BHI260AP+BMM150 in sleep mode

    How to put BHI260AP+BMM150 in sleep mode

    New Poster

    I have a BHI260AP+BMM150 board (similar to shuttle board). BHI260AP is connected to a host via i2c. The whole system can be put into sleep mode. Before sleep the host, I want to make sure BHI260AP+BMM150 is in sleep in order to minimise power consumption during sleep. However, I cannot find anything to control the power mode of BHI260AP and/or BMM150 via the host interface.

    Is there a way to achieve this? Or am I in a wrong path?

    7 REPLIES 7

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi zkz,

    What is your power consumption you required?
    There is power consumption and operation mode table in BHI260AP data sheet, which power consumption mode matches your power consumption requirements?

    BHI260AP power consumption vs operating mode.png

    Hi BSTRobin,

    Thanks for reply.

    We want a power consumption as low as possible. We don't need any detections to be running when sleep. We use an external button to wake up the device.

    Can we turn off all sensors/virtual sensors?


    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator

    Hi zkz,

    You can set the sample rate to 0 to turn off all virtual sensors if you opened before. At this time, the power consumption is the lowest.

    Hi BSTRobin,

    When you said "all virtual sensors if you opened before", how do I find out all those virtual sensors that I need to set sample rate=0?

    The firmware I use is from the BHI260AP SDK with board config: Bosch_APP30_SHUTTLE_BHI260_aux_BMM150.cfg.

    It includes a large list of virtual sensor drivers as follows. Do all of them need to be set sample rate=0?

    #Virtual Drivers,maxRate
    240, -1.000000 # VirtBSX: BSX depends on a programatic trigger source.
    241, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccel: accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    209, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelOffset: accelerometer offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    205, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelPassthrough: accelerometer passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    203, 400.000000 # VirtBSXAccelUncal: accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    235, -1.000000 # VirtBSXActivity: activity depends on VirtBSX.
    163, -1.000000 # VirtBSXDeviceOrientation: device orient depends on VirtBSX.
    252, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGameRotation: game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    253, -1.000000 # VirtBSXGeoRotation: mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    234, -1.000000 # VirtBSXGlanceGesture: glance gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    247, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGravity: gravity depends on VirtBSX.
    243, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyro: gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    208, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroOffset: gyro offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    207, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroPassthrough: gyro passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    244, 400.000000 # VirtBSXGyroUncal: gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    246, 400.000000 # VirtBSXLinearAccel: linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
    242, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMag: mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    210, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagOffset: mag offset data depends on VirtBSX.
    206, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagPassthrough: mag passthrough data depends on VirtBSX.
    245, -1.000000 # VirtBSXMagUncal: mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    254, 400.000000 # VirtBSXOrientation: orient depends on VirtBSX.
    233, -1.000000 # VirtBSXPickupGesture: pickup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    251, 400.000000 # VirtBSXRotation: RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    250, -1.000000 # VirtBSXSigMotion: sigmotion depends on VirtBSX.
    249, -1.000000 # VirtBSXStepCounter: step count depends on VirtBSX.
    248, -1.000000 # VirtBSXStepDetect: step detect depends on VirtBSX.
    236, -1.000000 # VirtBSXTiltDetector: tilt detect depends on VirtBSX.
    192, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccel: wakeup accelerometer corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    204, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupAccelUncal: wakeup accelerometer raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    164, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupDeviceOrientation: wakeup device orient depends on VirtBSX.
    200, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGameRotation: wakeup game RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    201, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGeoRotation: wakeup mag RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    232, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGesture: wakeup gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    198, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGravity: wakeup gravity depends on VirtBSX.
    194, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyro: wakeup gyro corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    195, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupGyroUncal: wakeup gyro raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    197, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupLinearAccel: wakeup linaccel depends on VirtBSX.
    193, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMag: wakeup mag corrected data depends on VirtBSX.
    196, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMagUncal: wakeup mag raw data depends on VirtBSX.
    160, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupMotionDetect: wakeup motion detect depends on VirtBSX.
    202, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupOrientation: wakeup orient depends on VirtBSX.
    199, 400.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupRotation: wakeup RotationVector depends on VirtBSX.
    161, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStationaryDetect: wakeup stationary detect depends on VirtBSX.
    231, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStepCounter: wakeup step count depends on VirtBSX.
    230, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupStepDetect: wakeup step detect depends on VirtBSX.
    162, -1.000000 # VirtBSXWakeupWristTiltGesture: wakeup wrist tilt gesture status depends on VirtBSX.
    224, -1.000000 # VirtHangDetection: hang detector depends on a 25Hz timer.
