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    How to use BSEC in Visual Studio Code and ESP-IDF

    How to use BSEC in Visual Studio Code and ESP-IDF

    Hi everyone,
    I’m writing here because I don’t know how to implement the BSEC library in VS Code using ESP-IDF and the bme680 with SPI protocol.
    My MCU is ESP32-S3.

    Ps: sorry for my bad English
    6 REPLIES 6

    Hi DaniGiaqui,

    You can use this command in your 'CMakeList.txt' --->  target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME}) 

    The details you can search about it on the website, which is simple, be the way, could you send your code here, maybe i can help to run it.


    Hi DaniGiaqui,

    The official BSEC example code is in Arduino or C language, and we are not familiar with Visual Studio Code. What programming language does Visual Studio Code use?
