03-12-2020 11:11 AM
I am using BMG250 MEMS gyroscope. I am observing a "Sinusoidal Noise" of primary frequency approximately 8 Hz in a few samples of the sensors. I have attached the plots for the reference. I am not able to decode the reason behind the same. This is also reflecting in the Allan plot and seriously affecting the ARW values. I request you to please suggest any solution for the same.
Data points were recorded at the non-vibrating platform with variable sampling rates (50 Hz, 400 Hz). Used different power sources (Dedicated Power Supply, Adaptor, independent battery).
04-20-2020 11:29 AM
12-14-2021 08:48 AM
Hello Sandy,
The data in log file was not aligned, could you check it?
In your log file, some part of the log data like this: