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    how to get data from BHI360 with Arduino

    how to get data from BHI360 with Arduino

    Established Member

    Hello, I'm trying to retrieve data from the BHI360 shuttle board using an Arduino via I2C. Are there any libraries or examples available for initializing and reading data via I2C? Also, could you provide a connection diagram for the BHI360 shuttle board with I2C?

    3 REPLIES 3

    Community Moderator
    Community Moderator


    Thank for your inquiry.
    For hardware part, you can refer to the reply in
    For the software part, you can refer to BHI360 official sensor API & example on github:

    Established Member

    Thanks for the reply. I am using a shuttle board with an Arduino.

    • CS (connected to 1.8V)
    • SCK (connected to the host's SCL pin)(ı used pull up resisitors properly )
    • SDO (connected to GND)
    • SDI (connected to the host's SDA)

    I have connected VCC (1.8V) and GND properly to the host's GND.

    I am trying an I2C scanner in Arduino, but it cannot find the BHI360 in the scan data.

    What am I missing? Is it a connection issue or any other initialization protocol for I2C?

    Established Member

    To use the BHI360 application board, do I need to re-flash the firmware every time? How can I upload the firmware using I2C and Arduino? I haven't solved my I2C problem yet; I monitored the I2C pins with a digital analyzer and didn't see any activity on the pins. I tried using SPI, and there is some activity on some pins as shown in the image, but I cannot read the chip ID with an example SPI register read code on Arduino. I can't communicate with the BHI360. How can I test if the board is working properly?

    Screenshot from 2024-08-01 16-55-39.png

    Screenshot from 2024-08-01 17-09-10.png
