Yes Olboss, for the IAQ you'd have to go into the library and change the sensor scaling, however it won't be as accurate as you cannot have a linear scaling function like with the formulas that I presented, only a number like 0.8 or 0.1 etc. Here are my 8 readings against other sensors, please keep in mind that the Smart Air Monitor is a $120 device with reviews claiming within 99% accuracy. Also mind the fact that the IAQ is calculated differently on the Air Monitor by using the Particulate Matter and Carbon Monoxide, with different weights. The Nicla calculates it with temp, hum, voc, estimated co2(not actual). Furthermore, the Air Montior rounds up temperature within the next .5, and the both the humidity and VOC are rounded to the next integer. Every single row in the table below has had its data measured after 3 minutes of letting the sensor calibrate to the environment + averaging the last 4 outputs. The Air Monitor was left for 20 minutes to calibrate.
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