Hello, We've got 2 thousands units of a product shipped to customers and some of them are acting badly: the gyroscope does not start. I've got 3 products with that issue on my desk and I can't make them work after trying a lot of things (longer delays after commands, change the order of the settings etc) but at the end, the gyroscope does not work. Important information: those products used to work correctly. To give more details about starting process, in that order: I configure the ODR/ranges of both accelerometer and gyro I power up the sensors (Accel and gyro in NORMAL mode) I configure the interrupt on FIFO watermakr I reset the FIFO content This process works on 99% of our sensors. On the ones in front of me, I check the error register after sending the command to put the accelero and gyro in normal mode, it looks great: Accel normal mode; Err: 0x80 Gyro normal mode; Err: 0x00 After a few seconds, I didn't get any interrupt and I can see that the interrupt pin is not active. I check some registers: BMI160_PMU_STATUS_ADDR: 0x10 BMI160_ERR_REG_ADDR: 0x01 // FATAL ERROR BMI160_INT_STATUS_0_ADDR: 0x00 BMI160_INT_STATUS_1_ADDR: 0x00 BMI160_INT_STATUS_2_ADDR: 0x00 BMI160_INT_STATUS_3_ADDR: 0x00 Two things: the gyro is not started (PMU status) and I got a fatal error pending... I can't find a way to prevent that fatal error. How should I deal with fatal errors? (POR does not make the gyro work...) Have you seen such behavior in the past? What can I do to make those work or to prevent new sensors from dying? Best, Cyril
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