Hi not_karl, Before answering the question, first have to classify if the designed customer's virtual sensor is a BSX related sensor (of which the physical source is ACC, GYR or MAG). If the virtual sensor is a BSX related sensor, we should not use the physcial source directly as trigger source, but through BSX library and use BSX custom virtual sensor as our sensor source. The custom BSX virtual sensor is designed as source for customer's sensors implemented in the SDK. If the customer's sensor is not using ACC, GYR, or MAG as data source, then the trigger source can be the physical source, such as a virtual Barometer sensor with trigger source from a physical pressure sensor. To answer your question, besides the obvious case of one virtual sensor triggered by another sensor, there are 2 cases here might be of your interest as you mentioned: Case1. Multiple virtual sensors triggered by one same sensor. Case2. Single virtual sensor depending on multiple sensor as source. The first case is vey common, for example, the ACC source can be used as trigger source for both step counter and motion detector. (keep note for the virtual sensor design in this example, we should use the custom BSX ACC as source.) So when designing the virtual sensor descriptor, under structure variable triggerSource.value, put the sensor type of the source. We may have the same sensor type of the source for the other virtual sensor. The triggering sequence is based on the value virtual sensor's priority, which is also under virtual sensor descriptor's structure variable. The second case, so the designed virtual sensor is a fusion sensor, and very possible an algorithm would be required inside the designed virtual sensor, as it is based on multiple data sources. The tricky part for this case, is that the timestamp should match from the multiple sensor sources that feed into the designed virtual sensor algorithm. During implementation, the multiple sensors data should all be handled in the same function to store all data and match the timestamp. When all sensor data source is ready, this function shall trigger the designed virtual sensor, and proceed the algorithm handling at the designed virtual sensor if any.
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